Thursday, November 6, 2008

scaling kilimanjaro

The world's in breathless, united apparition. So many are once again, many for the first time, proud to be an American. Ghettos and cul-de-sacs and streets are canvassed in exhilarated celebration. Faith, that eternally puissant soul power, has been rousingly and poetically restored, reclaiming its rightful place alongside the Will of Man. For most of us, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Gen-X, Gen-Y, azure, iridescent, as Andy put it, the 2008 presidential election is the most influential thing we've done so far in our lifetime outside of buying and consuming. For me, it was more a sense of suspended, cathartic relief, soon replaced by an endowing determination for tomorrow's horizon. The celebration ended as soon as Barack stepped resolutely to the podium for our victory speech. We're living history, now it's about Time we make it. This mission which lies ahead, this consummation, will be the most trying struggle of all.

I'm keeping this blog short. We have poured the wine, now let us take a moment to celebrate. But, let us not get wine-flushed and forget in our basking that this is merely the first step of this emancipating journey. Secondly, don't disillusion the significance of this moment by investing your entire, unquestioned faith into Barack. By doing this, you're robbing, degrading and rendering illegitimate this beautiful moment, the man himself, and what we have all yearned and worked for. Don't lose the strength of your own resolve in the lingering romanticism of Barack. More than anything, Barack is the symbol, the enabler we needed to press ahead in this journey. But, moving forward he will need our enduring resolve as much as we'll need his. We finally received the opportunity for a true democracy, one that is a dynamic, not a dictatorship. Now it's our responsibility to uphold our end of the birdsong.

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