Thursday, January 31, 2008

screenplay contest results

Tomorrow's a potentially emblematic day for me. In either regard, actually. I entered a screenplay in the American Zoetrope screenwriting contest about 6 months ago, and the results are being released in about 3 hours. The top 10 get considered for repping, and the winner receives 5 g's and a possible development deal. I could use the skrilla, but I don't need. I'm taking it with a grain of salt. Whatever the outcome, it doesn't deter me. The struggle makes the man. The script I entered was All I Need, my first baby. I wrote it with a very minimalist prose. Tried to keep it concise. For several reasons, it took me about 3 years, on and off, to complete. First were the bouts with compulsive perfection, changing one word, then changing it again, losing an hour on finding the right word. Definitely problematic. I'm gradually coming to grips with that just now. The other thing is... well, I was writing a autobiographical coming-of-age narrative, while I was in the process of coming-of-age. I can see now why auteurs revisit, rather than record. Recording transformation is a draining exercise.

So, no matter tomorrow's result, my arms are open to whatever plan is revealed. It would be nice though. People that know me know I have a great affinity for the Coppolas. All I Need was centrally inspired by Sofia's Lost In Translation. Having the American Zoetrope banner on one of my projects would be dazzling.

wake up dreamer, everything's already here.
a collaboration written and directed by Erik Ta

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